Update of the table with molasses sugar coefficients  (IIRB 1996)

Today it is usual to express the individual beet components in millimoles. The reference base may be the beet mass (B) or the sugar mass in beet (S). The factors for the individual components are very similar, irrespective of the reference base. The constants however differ by S. For a regression related to beet, a mass balance is necessary and y-values calculated from this mass balance are submitted to the regression analysis. In a sugar-based model, the regression is carried out directly with the analytical data, but a calculation similar to a mass balance is necessary on application of the formula (assumption of losses: 0.6). The differences are negligible, compared to the greater differences between factors published by different authors. For conversion from nonsugar (NS) to molasses sugar (multiplication with a fixed conversion factor 1.4 for soda addition technology or the values as proposed by the individual authors) all single factors and the constant rise by this extent.

Thus it is possible to convert nonsugar factors to molasses sugar factors and to compare the coefficients with the publications where molasses sugar was calculated directly.

Updated table:
Molasses sugar (% on beet):   
K * f1  + Na * f2  + αN * f3  + Inv.S. * f4  + Const.
K Na αN Inv.S. Const.
    Note on Inv.Sugar S / NS in
mmol / 100 g beet % on b.
Authors Yearf1f2 f3f41)
Wieninger et al.1971   0.3490.349   
Reinefeld et al.1974   0.3430.3430.094 -0.310
Akyar et al.1980G+F  0.1540.1540.2220.1660.020
Van Geijn et al.1983   0.3420.342   
Devillers1988G 0.140 0.1400.2500.5900.500
Pollach et al.1992G+F1.4 0.1130.0880.2770.3500.309
Burba et al.1993 1.4 0.1550.1260.141 0.470
Schiweck et al.1994 1.5 0.1350.1350.378 0.194
Buchholz et al.1994   0.1200.1200.240 0.480
Pollach et al.
(IIRB summary)
1996G+F1.40.110 0.0900.3000.3500.270
Huijbregts1999   0.3420.342   
Burba et al.2003   0.1500.1500.280 0.250
Ruiz-Holst et al.2003Neocuproin1.15 0.0350.0580.3680.2760.438
Conditional alternative formulas:
Wieninger et al.1971 (K+Na)/αN < 1.8   0.628  
Van Geijn et al.1983 αN > 17 mmol/100g S0.3420.342 0.513 -1.480
Burba et al.1993 neg. ionic balance -0.023-0.0500.250 1.240
Schiweck et al.1994 neg. ionic balance -0.024-0.0240.531 0.860
Huijbregts1999 K+Na-αN < 35
mmol/kg beet
0.1420.1420.200 0.700
Ruiz-Holst et al.2003 neg. effective alkalinity 0.0160.0390.4270.3830.386

1) Conversion of  constants  based on (17 - 0.6) % sugar on beet in thick juice.
2) Based on an average of 0.1% "normal invert sugar" on beet.

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