
CITS Conference at Falsterbo (1967) - famous sugar people of those days.
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81  G Ahlberg, Sweden 9  J Henry, Belgium 78  P Reichen, Switzerland
77  B Akermark, Sweden 37  D Hibbert, U.K. 60  E Reinefeld, Germany
87  C Aminoff, Finland 43  S Hill, U.K. 42  G Schäffer, Austria
52  G Andersson, Sweden 86  N Hindefelt, Sweden 39  H Schilling, Germany
20  G Assalini, Italy 74  H P Hoffmann-Walbeck, Germany 32  D P Schippers,the Netherlands
10  M C Bennett, U.K. 76  A van Hook,U.S.A. 25  H Schiweck, Germany
67  A Birch-Iensen, Sweden 33  S Idoff, Sweden 82  D Schliephake, Germany
47  W B Boast, U.K. 88  K Jörn, Germany 38  P Schmidt, Sweden
85  G Brasch, Germany 71  G Kukić, Yugoslavia 6  F Schneider, Germany
45  R Carolan, U.K. 73  H Larsson, Sweden 16  H G Schneider, Germany
8  A Carruthers, U.K. 55  D Leighton, U.K. 34  G Schröder, Sweden
90  L Cox, Sweden 44  Mr Lemaitre, France 61  R E Slimmermeyer, U.S.A
51  P Devillers, France 23  B Lundborg, Sweden 75  J Stambul, France
22  B Dieden, Sweden 29  R Madsen, Denmark 69  S Šušić, Yugoslavia
35  G Duchateau, Belgium 17  G Mantovani, Italy 1  E Swietlicka, Sweden
56  W S Dunning,U.K. 80  M Matic, South Africa 2  H Thiele, Germany
79  J V Dutton, U.K. 62  V Motoc, Romania 53  J Tjebbes, Sweden
72  J Elmer, Austria 27  P Mottard, France 14  S Tommerup, Denmark
57  A Emmerich, Germany 50  M Naveau, Belgium 21  W Uhlenbrock, Germany
89  K-H Fasol, Germany 48  W Newton, U.S.A. 5  J Vašátko, Czechoslovakia
54  H Forsberg, Sweden 11  W M North, U.K. 7  A Vavra, Yugoslavia
24  S Forsblom, Sweden 46  K Oberheide, Germany 30  R de Vletter, the Netherlands
19  F Galé, Italy 59  J Oldfield, U.K. 65  K Vukov, Hungary
70  O af Geijerstam, Sweden 41  W Partale, Germany 31  A de Waard, the Netherlands
64  J Genotelle, France 12  J H Payne, U.S.A 26  S Wahlberg, Sweden
4  D Gross, U.K. 84  S Persson, Sweden 58  R Weidenhagen, Germany
68  B Hallström, Sweden 36  R Pieck, Belgium 18  M Westphal, Denmark
40  J Hartl, Austria 28  P W van der Poel, the Netherlands 66  L Wieninger, Austria
83  N Healy, U.K. 13  H Powers, U.K. 3  O Wiklund, Sweden
49  F Heitz, France 15  V Prey, Austria 63  H Zaorska, Poland
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