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Klaushofer, H.; Pollach, G.:
On the problem of sugar losses by highly thermophilic micro-organisms in beet sugar factories. III. Microbial invert sugar formation and loss balance (German). Zucker 25 (1972) pp. 602-609. List of papers |
Abstract: The sucrose loss alone calculated from the pH drop in diffusers can sometimes increase considerably as a result of microbial, extracellular formation of invert sugar. Under certain conditions, infections caused by hyperthermophilic bacilli, which can be characterized by their accumulation of nitrite in the juice which they do not re-consume, cause a noticeable increase in invert sugar apart from acid formation. However, infections of this nature are rarely observed in practice. Even among a series of selected strains from a collection of micro-organisms only one representative was found which forms exo-invertase to any greater extent. With infections caused by hyperthermophilic bacteria which form H2S, any additional loss through microbial formation of invert sugar is not to be expected. The loss components considered in three reports are summarized in a survey and information published to date is compared. In addition, it is shown that knowledge of the sugar loss in individual cases is not needed for optimum disinfection. |