Schiweck, H.; Clarke, M.; Pollach, G.:
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry,
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
Update. Online Posting on April 15, 2007.
Hein, W.; Rösner, G.; Pollach, G.:
Savings in processing aids - Developments within Agrana/Zuckerforschung Tulln.
Zuckerindustrie 132 (2007) pp. 91-99.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Emerstorfer, F.:
10 years' experience with natural antibacterials within Agrana.
Zuckerindustrie 131 (2006) pp. 477-491.
Pollach, G.:
Analysis of the ICUMSA Method numbering system.
Zuckerindustrie 130 (2005) pp. 719-720.
Eggleston, G.; Pollach, G.; Triche R.:
The use of chromatography profiles as a screening tool to differentiate cane white sugar from beet white sugar.
Zuckerindustrie 130 (2005) pp. 611-616.
Pollach, G.:
Introduction of antimicrobials from plants to the sugar industry.
Presented to the workshop "Anti-microbials from plants: Opportunities and barriers", 28th January 2005, York, G.B.
Abstract Full text
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Beddie, D.:
The concept of different natural anti-bacterials for the sugar industry (SPRI conference 2004, Atlanta).
Zuckerindustrie 129 (2004) pp. 555-564.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Rösner, G.:
The 2003 campaign - Agrana Austria (German).
Zuckerindustrie 129 (2004) pp. 498-504.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Harzl, E.:
Investigations on the storage behavior of Rhizomania tolerant sugarbeet varieties (CITS conference 2003, Madrid).
Zuckerindustrie 129 (2004) pp. 161-170.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.:
The 2002 campaign - Agrana Austria (German).
Zuckerindustrie 128 (2003) pp. 358-363.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Beddie, D.:
Application of hop beta acids and rosin acids in the sugar industry (SPRI conference 2002, New Orleans).
Zuckerindustrie 127 (2002) pp. 921-930.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Leitner, A.; Zöllner, P.:
Detection and control of strictly anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria in sugarbeet tower extractors.
Zuckerindustrie 127 (2002) pp. 530-537.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.:
The 2001 campaign - Agrana Austria, Agrana Hungary (German).
Zuckerindustrie 127 (2002) pp. 362-366.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Rösner, G.:
Studies on Microbial Activities during Thick Juice Storage.
Zuckerindustrie 127 (2002) pp. 243-257.
Rösner, G.; Pollach, G.:
Automated method for the determination of hardness in thin juices.
Zuckerindustrie 126 (2001) pp. 890-897.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.:
New findings towards solving microbial problems in sugar factories.
Zuckerindustrie 124 (1999) pp. 622-637.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.:
Beet quality studies using dried beet samples.
Zuckerindustrie 123 (1998) pp. 808-815.
Abstract & Results
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.:
New findings with the use of hop products in the sugar industry (German).
Zuckerindustrie 122 (1997) pp. 940-949.
Rösner, G.; Pollach, G.:
Experiences with the application of antifoaming agents in Austrian sugar factories (German).
Zuckerindustrie 122 (1997) pp. 787-793.
Hollaus, F.; Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Scheberl, A.; Messner, P.:
Nitrite formation in the thin juice by Thermus species (German).
Zuckerindustrie 122 (1997) pp. 365-369.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Hollaus, F.:
Use of hop products as bacteriostaticum in the sugar industry (German).
Zuckerindustrie 121 (1996) pp. 919-926.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.:
Definition of the "internal quality" of sugar beet (59th IIRB congress 1996).
Zuckerindustrie 121 (1996) pp. 332-344.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Rösner, G.:
Austrian experience in producing sugar from unpurified beet juice.
Int.Sugar J. 98 (1996) pp. 52-55; 91-94.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Haluschan, M.:
Considerations on the determination of sugar losses on beet storage (German).
Zuckerindustrie 120 (1995) pp. 289-293.
Pollach G.:
The Austrian Zuckerforschungs-Institute (ZFI).
Sugar Journal 56 (1994), No. 10, pp. 24-29.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Rösner, R.:
Assessment of sugar beet alkalinity reserves (German).
Zuckerindustrie 119 (1994) pp. 15-21.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Berninger, H.:
Calculation of saturated molasses purities (German).
Zuckerindustrie 118 (1993) pp. 785-790.
Abstract & Results
Hollaus, F.; Pollach, G.:
Studies of thermophilic breakdown of sucrose, glucose and fructose during beet extraction.
Zuckerindustrie 118 (1993) pp. 169-179.
Rösner, G.; Hein, W.; Pollach, G.:
Simple automated glucose assay for the assessment of beet quality.
Zuckerindustrie 118 (1993) pp. 24-28.
Pollach, G.:
"Whole sugar": Technological aspects (German).
Zuckerindustrie 117 (1992) pp. 711-714.
Pollach, G.:
A contribution to the discussion of beet quality (German). Zuckerindustrie 117 (1992) pp. 655-656.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.; Berninger, H.; Kernchen, W.:
Assessment of beet quality using a refractometric method.
Zuckerindustrie 117 (1992) pp. 242-247.
Abstract & Results
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.; Berninger, H.:
Assessment of beet quality including Rhizomania-infected beet.
Zuckerindustrie 116 (1991) pp. 689-700.
Pollach, G.; Hollaus, F.:
Use of monosaccharide degrading infections in diffusion to improve pulp pressing (German).
Zuckerindustrie 113 (1988) pp. 132-136.
Hein, W.; Pollach, G.:
Semi-automatic determination of marc in sugar beet and pressed pulp (German).
Zuckerindustrie 112 (1987) pp. 204-207.
Hollaus, F.; Pollach, G.:
Improvement in pulp pressing through controlled infections (German).
Zuckerindustrie 111 (1986) pp. 1025-1030.
Pollach, G.:
Evaluation of raw material for the sugar industry (Czech).
Listy cukrovarnicke 102 (1986) pp. 91-96.
Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Rösner, G.; Berninger H.:
Experiences with new analytical methods for the sugar industry (German).
Zuckerindustrie 111 (1986) pp. 1101-1107.
Rösner, G.; Pollach G.:
Studies of scale formation with the aid of laboratory evaporators (German).
Zuckerindustrie 111 (1986) pp. 125-128.
Hein, W.; Pollach G.:
Analytical methods for control of sweet sorghum processing - juice extraction sector (German).
Zuckerindustrie 110 (1985) pp. 291-296.
Pollach, G.:
Tests on improvement of Rizomania diagnosis based on conventional beet analyses (German).
Zuckerindustrie 109 (1984) pp. 849-853.
Pollach, G.:
Development and utilisation of quality criteria for sugar beet in Austria.
27th Technical Conference of BRITISH SUGAR plc, Eastbourne (1984).
Pollach, G.:
Enzymatic determination of the total fermentable sugars in sugar factory products (German).
Zuckerindustrie 107 (1982) pp. 603-606.
Full text
Pollach, G.; Wieninger, L.:
Investigations on sucrose losses during preliming (French).
La sucrerie Belge 99 (1980) pp. 295-301.
Klaushofer, H.; Pollach, G.; Radda, H.:
A fully automated equipment for baker's yeast fermentation in the laboratory scale (German). Die Brannweinwirtschaft 120 (1980) pp. 363-368.
Pollach, G.; Berninger, H.:
Testing the currently valid ash coefficient for determination of conductivity ash in white sugar
by determination of the alkali and alkaline earth components using atomic absorption (German).
Zuckerindustrie 105 (1980) pp. 992-994.
Abstract & Results
Pollach, G.; Wieninger, L.; Berninger, H.:
Comparison of different methods for determination of the dry solids content of sugar syrups
of varying purity (German).
Zuckerindustrie 105 (1980) pp. 451-456.
Pollach, G.; Gratzl, M.:
Development and operation of an industrial unit for biological determination of the sugar
content in pulp press water (German).
Zuckerindustrie 104 (1979) pp. 940-942.
Pollach, G.:
Microbiological determination of sucrose by means of heterogeneous cultures of
Bacillus stearothermophilus (German).
Zucker 29 (1976) pp. 427-432; 495-501.
Pollach, G.:
Biological determination of sugar content and its application in practice (German).
Z. Zuckerindustrie 24 (1974) pp. 633-639.
Klaushofer, H.; Pollach, G.:
On the problem of sugar losses by highly thermophilic micro-organisms in beet sugar factories.
I. Correlation between sugar decomposition and acid formation (German).
Zucker 25 (1972) pp. 157-165.
Klaushofer, H.; Pollach, G.:
On the problem of sugar losses by highly thermophilic micro-organisms in beet sugar factories.
II. Microbial decomposition of reducing sugars (German).
Zucker 25 (1972) pp. 388-395.
Klaushofer, H.; Pollach, G.:
On the problem of sugar losses by highly thermophilic micro-organisms in beet sugar factories.
III. Microbial invert sugar formation and loss balance (German).
Zucker 25 (1972) pp. 602-609.
Klaushofer, H.; Berghofer, E.; Pollach, G.:
The rapid quantitative microbiological determination of sucrose in foods.
Part I: Chocolate and honey (German).
Lebensmittel und Ernährung 25 (1972) pp. 88-95.
Pollach, G.; Klaushofer, H.:
The direct quantitative determination of sucrose with the aid of Bacillus stearothermophilus (German).
Z. Zuckerindustrie 21 (1971) pp. 277-280.
Klaushofer, H.; Hollaus, F.; Pollach, G.:
Microbiology of Beet Sugar Manufacture.
Process Biochemistry (1971), June issue, pp. 39-41.
Pollach, G.; Klaushofer, H.:
Investigations on the oxygen content of diffusion juices (German).
Zucker 23 (1970) pp. 537-539.
Klaushofer, H.; Pollach, G.:
The mode of working of the Austrian agricultural distilleries. A judgement based on chemical and
biological process control. Problems and methods (German).
Mitteilungen der Versuchsstation für das Gärungsgewerbe Wien (1966), pp. 51-56.