Hein, W.; Pollach, G.; Haluschan, M.: Considerations on the determination of sugar losses on beet storage (German).
Zuckerindustrie 120 (1995) pp. 289-293.   List of papers
Abstract: In an especially designed beet storage trial sucrose losses were calculated on the basis of cleaned beet as well as on basis of potassium content. The subdivision of beet in storage material and reference material was achieved directly on harvest with a dedicated sample division system. One part of the beet was machine washed prior to work up for analysis, whereas the other part was dry cleaned by hand. In both cases the analyses were performed on brei samples, as well as on samples obtained by mashing of the remainders from the brei saw.
When related to beet mass similar and plausible results were obtained, regardless of method of cleaning and sample preparation. On the other hand, when potassium was chosen as reference this was only true for mashed samples. In this case calculations can be carried out without weight data, but one has to consider the greater amount of brei waste.