Pollach, G.; Hein, W.; Beddie, D.: The concept of different natural anti-bacterials for the sugar industry (SPRI conference 2004, Atlanta).
Zuckerindustrie 129 (2004) pp. 555-564.   List of papers
Abstract: Palm kernel fatty acids and especially the most effective myristic acid are presented for the sugar industry, which could be used as natural antibacterial aids to displace adapted strains. After a survey of existing literature, results of laboratory trials were carried out to demonstrate the mechanism of action, as well as influences of chain length, temperature, pH value, etc. Further, results from full-scale factory trials during the beet campaigns 2002 and 2003 are presented. During 2002, a rosin-insensitive strain occurred in a beet extraction tower and could be eliminated by shock dosing of myristic acid. This result already stresses the importance of natural alternatives for elimination of adapted strains, to keep the level of fermentation low in every case. In 2003 satisfactory effects were achieved with myristic acid in two other Agrana factories. The new product is precipitable with calcium and mainly removed from the process stream via pulp, lime sludge and molasses.