Eggleston, G.; Pollach, G.; Triche R.: The use of ion chromatography profiles as a screening tool to differentiate cane white sugar from beet white sugar.
Zuckerindustrie 130 (2005) pp. 611-616.   List of papers
Abstract: For the purpose of international sugar trade, a new analytical screening method sanctioned by the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA) is urgently needed that is (1) capable of distinguishing between cane white sugar (CWS) and beet white sugar (BWS), and (2) can measure the percentage of CWS in a CWS/BWS mixture. By analyzing ∼7 % dry substance content blind BWS/CWS samples with an IC-IPAD NaOH/NaOAc 45 min gradient method, low raffinose in conjunction with numerous cane marker peaks, were successfully used to detect 20% CWS adulteration. In general, IC profiles of CWS samples had more peaks of 2 to 12 dp than BWS samples. Increasing the refractometric dry substance content to 10% allowed detection of 10% CWS adulteration. Chromatography libraries of CWS, BWS and BWS/CWS samples for direct comparisons will aid adulterant detection. Further studies using chemometric techniques are proposed to enhance adulteration detection. IC is often used in the sugar industry to monitor industrial products, and at the least, the use of IC profiles can be used as a screening method before the further verification and quantitation with more sophisticated techniques, such as Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Differential Scanning Calorimetry.