The first part of the paper gives an overview of the discovery of the effectiveness of various natural substances and their features for suppression of unwanted microbiological activities within sugar production. Starting with hop ß-acids and carrying on to rosin acids and myristic acid, important steps between discovery of the single substances and further development of marketable ready-to-use products are highlighted, including some insight on daily research activities as well as important hints on the optimised application of the products.
Furthermore information about product properties, effective concentrations, optimal dosage features and locations as well as injection systems are included. Also successful applications beyond the extraction area such as in the field of thick juice storage and within ion exchangers are reported. Finally, results derived from studies on the destination of residues of natural antibacterials during sugar production and the sensory influence on the taste of sugar are summarised as well. The second part of the paper covers findings about the effectiveness of natural antibacterials against mesophilic slime-forming bacteria. After trials on the laboratory scale in which hop ß-acids and rosin acids were found to be highly effective against pure strains of Leuconostoc, results from applications in cooling water circuits and from trials in the field of beet storage are reported.