Hein, W.; Rösner, G.; Pollach, G.: Savings in processing aids - Developments within Agrana/Zuckerforschung Tulln.
Zuckerindustrie 132 (2007) pp. 91-99.   List of papers
Abstract: Measures for savings in processing aids within Agrana Austria are reviewed:  1. Savings in the field of antifoaming agents were achieved by re-construction measures, mechanical foam destruction, and application of foam probes with integrated flushing system and finally development of an apparatus operating in the bypass for objective determination of necessary amounts of antifoaming agents.  2. The consumption of alkali was reduced by application of an automatically operating system named LISA. The determination of hardness in this system is based on the "Clark Method". It is also used for the optimization of scale inhibitor dosages and softeners based on ion exchangers.  3. The third section of the presen­tation highlights an application which offers the highest potential for cost savings: LIMOS, a program which controls the optimal dosage of milk of lime within juice purification. Variants of this system are available for both factories operating with filter stations as well as those operating with clarifiers.